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Hannari Life vol.5 ~reduce and renovate the good old things~


先日、破損した状態で廃棄されたハイブランドのアイテムを写した動画がTikTokに投稿され、サステナビリティの観点から同ブランドに説明を求める声が集まっている。といった内容のニュースを目にして、私は衝撃を受けました。何故かというと。最近、私が注目をしているサスティナブル「SDGs」についての内容だったからです。サスティナブルとは、元々英語で「sustain(持続する)」と「able(~できる)」という二つの単語から成る「sustainable」に由来しており、訳すと「持続することができる」という意味を持ち、「サスティナブルな社会」であれば、環境を壊さず、限りある資源を使い切らないよう、将来にわたって持続していける社会のことを指している。よく似た言葉で「sustainability(サスティナビリティ)」というものもあるが、こちらは「持続可能性」という意味となる。「SDGs」とは「Sustainable Development Goals(持続可能な開発目標)」の略で、「エスディージーズ」と読みます。国連に加盟する193か国が2016年から2030年の15年間で達成するために掲げた目標のことです。

Hello. Today I would like to write a little about the recent shocking news.
The other day, a video of a high-brand item that was discarded in a damaged state was posted on TikTok, and there were voices to the brand to explain it from the perspective of sustainability, so I was really shocked to watch the news because it was about the sustainable “SDGs” that I have been paying attention to these days.The word is originally derived from the English word “sustainable” which consists of the two words “sustain” and “able”, and it means “be able to sustain”. “Sustainable society” refers to a society that can be sustained in the future so as not to damage the environment and use up limited resources.There is a similar word, “sustainability” and “SDGs” is an abbreviation for “Sustainable Development Goals”, which is the goal set by 193 member countries of the United Nations to achieve the goal in the 15 years from 2016 to 2030.
In fact, Kyoto where I am living in is making efforts to achieve the SDGs at the top class in Japan. In order to promote the SDGs, Kyoto city is working on business by reflecting the SDGs vision in 5 years Kyoto City Basic Plan from the 3 rd year of Reiwa and plans of various fields.In January 2019, Kyoto city was ranked first in “National City, Sustainability and the SDGs Advanced Survey” of the Nihon Keizai newspaper and it was ranked second in January 2021!
※貴重な近代建築である元立誠小学校の校舎を保全・再生した既存棟とそれにデザインを調和させた新築棟から構成されているホテル Hotel consisting of an existing building that preserves and regenerates the school of Rissei Elementary School, which is a valuable modern building, and a new building that harmonizes the design with it.
※SDGsのコンセプトホテル SDGs Concept Hotel

So today, I would like to write a little about what I visited this shop the other day.

There is a long-established tent shop “Hinode Tent” that has been running for over 100 years at Higashiyama Niomon.You can order the original “canvas bag” by choosing “favorite color from 90 color fabric”, “size” and “types of fasteners.”The point I would like to recommend is that the canvas bag of Hinode Tent can be repaired even if the fastener is broken or torn, so it will be a bag that can be used for a long time.I thought this was a sustainable product, so I visited the store.
日の出テント Hinode Tent
大正4年(1915)に、防水帆布の京都の草分けとして創業したテント店の3代目 紀伊馬芳則さんが、屋号をそのままに、平成26年から新たに始めた店には、テント生地や帆布で作るオリジナルバッグが並び、商品をガラス越しに見てしまうと、思わず扉を開けて中へ入ってしまうそんなお店です。店内に入ると素材はテント生地と帆布の2タイプだが色は豊富で陳列されている商品を見ていると、手に触れたくなる商品だらけでした。「ONODE」の商品は、店舗設計士のスタッフと日の出テントのいわばコラボレーションで、デザインを小野さんが、生地を提供し仕立てているのが日の出テントだ。なんとお話をお伺いしたスタッフさん自身が自分の気に入った仕事用バッグになかなか出合えない〝バッグ難民〟だったようで、そんな時に、日の出テントのトラック幌と出合い、人気ブランドが誕生したそうです。

Yoshinori Kiima, the third generation of the tent store, which was founded in 1915 as a pioneer of waterproof canvas in Kyoto, opened a new store in 2014 with original bags made of tent fabric and canvas. If you see the products through the glass, you will open the door and go inside the store.When I entered the store, there were two types of tent fabric and canvas, but when I saw the products displayed in abundant colors, I found that there were full of products which I wanted to touch.The product of “ONODE” is a collaboration between the staff of the store designer and Hinode Tent, and Mr. Ono designs it and Hinode Tent provides and tailors the fabric. It seems that the staff himself was like a “bag refugee” who couldn’t easily find his favorite work bag, and at that time, he ran across a truck sail in Hinode Tent and a popular brand was born.

While inheriting the work of the time when the company was founded, it is common to long-established stores that have been in business for over 100 years to challenge new fields with the times.The shops and companies that continue to protect the shop curtains form the town of Kyoto, and it has been the capital of Japan for 1200 years and embodying sustainability that is unparalleled in the world.

