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What you need to understand to enjoy fur fashion


皆様、こんにちは。S A Y Aです。


Hello, everyone. I am SAYA.

Fashionable and pretty fur items have begun to line up at stores this year as well.
I used to like fur items such as fur coats and stoles, hats, and bags, and I often wore them. In the old days, I had never thought about fur, and real fur is more expensive than fake fur, but it is warm, soft texture, durable and long-lasting, so I bought real fur although it was expensive.
A few years ago, on the internet I saw cruel articles and videos of animals to exploit fur, so I haven’t bought much fur items since then. I like fur items, but I can’t stand the sacrifice of animals for that.It’s a difficult problem, but this time I would like to introduce about the current fur.

Fur-free declarations
With the global fur-free movement, fashion brands have declared that they will not use any animal fur, such as mink, coyote, raccoon, fox and rabbit. Department stores in countries with a strong interest in environmental issues and animal protection may not deal with brands that sell real fur. In addition, it was announced that the famous fashion media will abolish the content of dealing with animal fur by 1st January, 2023.
Real fur items had been often seen in luxury brands, but the thought that people don’t want to make clothes because they hurt the animals got stronger. At the same time, without using real furs, the expectation to make sustainable fur with plant-derived materials and synthetic fibers that are friendly to the global environment might be increasing.

Fur, artificial fur and vegan fur
Fur is animal-derived. The fur is warm, durable and can be used for decades with care.
Artificial Fur
Animal-derived materials are not used for artificial fur. It is a pile woven fabric that imitates fur and uses chemical fibers.
Vegan Fur
It includes not only materials made without using any animal-derived ingredients or materials, but also the conditions that there is no animal experimentation or abuse in the development process.
About the future of fur
Fur, artificial fur and vegan fur. Which one is sustainable fur? Since fur is a natural fur, it is ecological because it biodegrades.
However, the way of afflicting, killing, and exploiting animals just to make fur is a crucial way that no one can convince.But it’s not just a crucial way. For example, an animal may die in an accident and bring new life to its fur, or it can be used as a by-product of meat.

Since artificial fur is made from petroleum-derived chemical fibers, it is not biodegraded and is washed away into the sea as microplastics, leading to pollution of marine plastics. It is said that when petroleum-derived materials are burned, greenhouse gases are emitted and causes global warming. I think vegan fur is such a fur that does not use any animal-derived ingredients or materials and protects the animal rights.
However, vegan fur might be an unfamiliar word. In fact, I haven’t seen them at any stores. I think vegan fur is still not well known.Also, each has its own challenges, but honestly it’s difficult to decide which fur is better.
From now on, when consumers buy fur, it would be very important that they can buy the product from a sustainable point of view. I thought I knew the background and process that the fur item was delivered, but I didn’t. In the future, I strongly felt that I would like to face fur items after understanding the background and process.

Many fashion brands in other countries have declared that they will not use animal fur at all, and some department stores do not deal with fur and do not make a deal with brands that deal with fur.
Nowadays, an expectation to make fur with ecological and sustainable materials without animal fur is increasing. However, to be honest, I don’t know which fur is really sustainable, there might be no fur that is good for the environment. In the future, fur items will be made and bought while keeping environmental issues and animal protects in mind and I think that both the manufacturer and the consumer should understand this problem. Which choice is the best? At this stage, it might be the best for each individual to take responsibility and choose.

