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  3. 地球に還る、生分解性ポリエステル


Biodegradable Polyester that Returns to the Earth




生分解とは、繊維が 埋立地や海洋でより速く分解するすることを意味します。なぜなら 特定の環境で自然に発生する微生物に対してより食欲がそそるように構成されているからです。これらの微生物は、合成不織布、織物、充填剤を積極的に食べ、天然元素の水、CO2 、メタン、バイオマス、腐植土に戻すことを可能にします。


1, In recent years, the awareness of plastics in the environment has been steadily increasing as a health threat in our daily life.
The disposal problem of familiar PET bottles, plastic bags, films, etc. is also a serious burden on the environment, but clothes and materials using polyester fibers are also increasing the number of microplastics and affecting environmental pollution. Usual polyester fibers are tough and long-wearing, so they are slow to return to nature and will probably stay there for hundreds of years and accumulate.

Therefore, biodegradable polyester, which returns to nature, is attracting attention.

Biodegradation means that fibers decompose faster in landfills and oceans.
Because it is structured to be more appetizing for naturally occurring microorganisms in a particular environment.
These microorganisms enable actively eat synthetic non-woven fabrics, textiles and fillers and return them to the natural elements water, CO2, methane, biomass and humus.

Recycled polyester is made from plastics such as PET bottles and added to fabrics, but recent research has revealed that it has the same environmental impact as non-recycled polyester.
Sustainable biodegradable polyester is a very earth-friendly fiber to reduce the emission of microplastics and protect the precious nature.

株式会社Amaterrace の 生分解性ポリエステル

Amaterrace Inc. which a textile trading company, handles fabrics using the biodegradable polyester.

テキスタイル商社の株式会社Amaterrace ではその生分解性ポリエステルを使用した生地を取り扱っています。この生地の大きな特徴は、製品の機能や性能が従来のポリエステル繊維と類似しているということ。見た目や風合いが劣ることもなく、従来品となんな変わりなく使用できるという点です。

Amaterrace は持続可能な社会に向けてSDGsにも力を注いでおり、生分解ポリエステルだけでなく、植物由来のナイロン・リサイクル素材の開発や植物由来のフィルムを使用した「eVENT BIO」も開発され2021年より販売します。

2,Amaterrace Inc. which a textile trading company, handles fabrics using the biodegradable polyester. The major feature of this fabric is that the product function and performance are similar to those of conventional polyester fibers. The appearance and texture are not inferior, and it can be used just like conventional products.

Amaterrace Inc. is also focusing on SDGs for a sustainable society, and not only biodegradable polyester, but also plant-d based nylon and recycled materials and "eVENT BIO" using plant-based films have been developed 2021. It will be sold from the year.

Click here ⇒Amaterrace inc

3, At KIZIARAI, I would like to continue to introduce sustainable products and initiatives so that you will be interested in SDGs related to textiles as much as possible.
It would be great if we could do a little bit of small things that each of us can do for protect our loved ones and the future.


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