Buy fabric and earn KIZIPOINTS!
Save more with Matching.


“0.3% of your fabric purchase amount is converted into KIZIPOINTS.

1 KIZIPOINT equals 1 yen, which can be used for:
Exchanging for an AMAZON gift card
Deducting from fabric purchase costs

If you purchase 1,000 meters at 1,200 yen per meter, you can exchange it for an Amazon gift card worth 36,000 yen.
The Amazon gift card can only be used at https://www.amazon.co.jp.


1 point equals 1 yen to use as credit”

date of expiry

can be immediately converted to an Amazon card whenever you like.

  • If you find a fabric match through KIZIARAI that’s not listed on the site, you can still apply for it.
  • Japanese people, as well as people from overseas, can also exchange it.
  • Exchangeable from 500 points.

When applying, please agree to the KIZI POINT terms and conditions and then proceed with your application.
Please apply for Points through a chat with FeatureCompany ‘KIZIPOINT’.

Procedures for Applying for KIZIPOINT

  • STEP1

    Apply for points via Chat with our company

    Apply for points via Chat with our company
  • STEP2

    Points awarded after approval

    Points awarded after approval
  • STEP3

    Accumulated points can be exchanged at any time

    Accumulated points can be exchanged at any time

Please prepare the chat history information that can verify the purchase history.



What details are included in the verification of the purchase history?

There is no problem as long as the order forms, delivery notes, and such transaction histories can be confirmed via Chat.”

The order form and delivery note are not attached in the Chat, but can I still proceed with the application?

Yes, it is possible if the fabric is matched through KIZIARAI.
However, it will take some time to issue POINTS as confirmation is required.
For products not listed on the site, we recommend keeping a record of the fabric part numbers obtained through Chat to facilitate a smooth application process.

Is it alright to use fabric manufacturers with whom we already have a business track record?

Yes, that’s fine.
It will be considered that a match has been made with the fabric.

Is it okay to redact information that cannot be disclosed, as stated in the order forms and other documents?

Yes, that’s fine.
There is no problem as long as the fabric part number, unit price, date, and company name can be verified

How many KIZIPOINTS are needed to exchange for an Amazon gift card?

You can apply for an exchange with a minimum of 500 points, including any fractions.

Is there an application deadline for KIZIPOINT?”

Please apply within 2 months from the date listed on the shipping details.
Applications made thereafter will be invalid.

What happens to the decimal points that are not divisible when points are awarded?

Decimal points are rounded down when awarding POINTS

I am an overseas apparel retailer, can I apply for KIZIPOINT?

Yes, it is possible.
The calculation will be based on the exchange rate at the time of payment and converted into Japanese yen.”

“Is https://www.amazon.co.jp a Japanese site, but can it also ship internationally?

Yes, it is possible.
Please refer to the Amazon homepage for more details.
Also, we do not currently support Amazon sites outside of Japan.

“Is it possible to distribute KIZIPOINTS to two accounts for a single project?”

Yes, it is possible.
Please contact us via Chat for assistance.

I am an agent member; can I apply for KIZIPOINT??

KIZIPOINT applications are only available to buyer members.