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Hannari Life vol.2 ~inheriting the tradition of Japanese embroidery~




Hi, welcome to Hannari life by Kyoto - lover housewife.

Last time, when I talked about kimono and looked at the photos of textiles and kimono patterns, I remembered a time when I traveled as my own and walked around the town in Kyoto.
It is a story that I was attracted to a certain glass-walled atelier and unexpectedly visited there.
The atelier was for repair of embroidery and a gorgeous embroidery appeared in front of me, and then I was attracted to the embroidery and stepped into there.
I remembered the time when I had seen the embroidery sewn by a craftsman one by one, just stared at the work, and talked to the craftsman who came out from the back. And The other day I visited there for the first time in 10 years because I really wanted to the embroidery again.
The atelier was at the same place as 10 years ago and I stepped into there with the same feelings as that time when I was attracted to the work through the glass.
The beauty of silk thread brightness and the attractive hand-sewn work. The craftsman was working on the Uchikake, a long garment worn over kimono, which was made 100 years ago.
The state of the embroidery made 100 years ago was recovered like inheriting the culture and craftsmanship of Japanese embroidery, and I never got tired of seeing it.
I realized the importance of treating things 100 years ago carefully, inheriting traditions and cultures, repairing the Uchikake that had not paled in comparison even over time.
Nowadays, I feel like that people do not consider mass disposal of clothes and feelings about clothes more than people in the past.
The unit purchase price of our clothes is decreasing year by year, but at the same time, the terms of wearing clothes are getting shorter.
古くなったと感じる服でも、少し手を加えるだけで新たな魅力と共に蘇ります。これから、秋のシーズンとなり新しい一着が欲しくなる季節。衣服の作られ方に目を向けるだけでもサステナブルファッションの実践に繋がります。商品タグや表示ラベルを見たり、QR コード等で商品情報にアクセスしたり、店員さんやブランドに聞いたりして、素材や生産ルート等を確認しましょう。関心を持つという行為が、きっとその時、出逢えた一着に愛着を持ち、大事に長く着られる一着となることでしょう。
Sustainable fashion. By taking good care of your clothes, extending the terms of wearing clothes and repairing handcraft things, you will be able to wear your favorite one for a long time.
Even clothes that you might feel like old can be revived with new attractiveness after modifying them a little.
Autumn is coming now, so you will want a new one.
Just looking at the way of making clothes will lead to the practice of sustainable fashion.
Let’s check out materials and production routes by looking at the product tags or labels, accessing the product information with a QR code, asking store staffs and brands.
When you are interested in them, you will be attached to the one you can meet at that time and will be able to wear it for a long time.

