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  3. 有機フッ素化合物(PFAS)とテキスタイル産業:利点と歴史、そして現在の問題


Organic Fluorinated Compounds (PFAS) and the Textile Industry: Benefits, History, and Current Issues



According to the Sengen Newspaper on August 2, 2023, the state of Maine has prohibited retail and wholesale sales by businesses of new carpets, rugs, and fabrics that are processed with PFAS, starting from January 1 this year. Similarly, New York state has banned the sale of apparel containing PFAS, except for professional uniforms and outerwear worn under harsh weather conditions, effective from December 31. Additionally, starting from January 1, 2024, Colorado state has announced a prohibition on the retail and wholesale of carpets, rugs, and fabrics that are processed with PFAS.


Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a collective term for thousands of organic fluorinated compounds, exhibiting various properties such as water and oil repellency, heat resistance, grease resistance, and electrical insulation. These characteristics have enabled innovative applications across a wide range of industries, including the textile sector.

The industrial use of PFAS dates back to the 1940s. Particularly in the textile industry, its water and grease repellency have been highly valued, leading to widespread use in waterproofing and stain-resistant treatments for clothing and household items. For instance, PFAS-treated rainwear, sportswear, and outdoor gear exhibit water repellency, providing comfortable usage in adverse weather conditions. Additionally, its non-stick properties have been crucial for non-stick cookware, enhancing cooking convenience and efficiency. Moreover, PFAS has been utilized in food packaging and containers, preserving the freshness and quality of food products. The diverse applications have expanded to include firefighting foams for aircraft, automotive components, medical devices, electronics, and various other fields.


However, PFAS poses environmental challenges as it persists and does not readily break down in the natural environment, leading to accumulation in groundwater, surface water, and soil, raising concerns about its impact on ecosystems. Some PFAS substances have also been associated with potential health risks for humans. Long-term exposure to certain PFAS is linked to cancer, immune system disorders, and reproductive issues.
In response to these concerns, international regulations on PFAS have been advancing. Some countries, including Sweden, have implemented restrictions on the release of certain PFAS into the environment. Additionally, an international treaty has been adopted, prohibiting the manufacture, use, and import of certain long-chain PFAS, such as PFOS, PFOA, and PFHxS, with many countries signing and ratifying the treaty.

In Japan, progress has been made in regulating PFAS. A webinar by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) revealed that significant fines are imposed for violations. The textile industry in Japan is required to adopt stricter management practices for the development and sale of PFAS-containing products. Some Japanese manufacturers are actively researching and developing alternatives that do not contain PFAS. The industry is increasingly prioritizing consumer health and environmental protection.

Organic fluorinated compounds are crucial for bringing benefits to various industries, including textiles, but their stability and environmental impact have become a point of concern. The textile industry, driven by international regulations and domestic responses, must strive for the development of sustainable products and environmental protection. Balancing technological innovation and environmental considerations, the industry can pave the way towards a sustainable future, emphasizing consumer health and environmental consciousness.
繊研新聞 2023/08/02 https://senken.co.jp/posts/pfas-230802
Nature Journal https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-02444-5
欧州化学品庁(ECHA) https://echa.europa.eu/hot-topics/perfluoroalkyl-chemicals-pfas
MHKオンライン 2023/04/10 https://www.nhk.jp/p/gendai/ts/R7Y6NGLJ6G/blog/bl/pkEldmVQ6R/bp/p4Aomk6Pw8/
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