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  3. サステナブルファッション:環境と社会に配慮した新たなトレンド(1)


Sustainable Fashion: A New Trend with Environmental and Social Considerations (1)



In recent years, as global environmental concerns have escalated, the fashion industry in various countries has undergone significant transformations. Issues such as CO2 emissions, water resource consumption, and waste generation during the production of each garment have become apparent, driving the demand for sustainability. Beyond the beauty and creativity of fashion, there is a growing awareness of its impact on the environment and labor conditions, leading to increased attention on sustainable fashion. This article explores the challenges within the fashion industry and delves into sustainable fashion as a solution.


The fashion industry entered an era of mass production from the 1950s, during the post-World War II reconstruction, leading to notable environmental and societal impacts. Problems like CO2 emissions during manufacturing, excessive water resource consumption, and disposal of surplus materials have become significant. The rise of fast fashion has further shortened product lifespans, accelerating consumption and waste. Consequently, environmental burdens such as climate change and water pollution have become critical concerns.

The history of sustainable fashion began at the intersection of environmental movements and the fashion industry. In 1962, American biologist Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" exposed the impact of pesticides, raising awareness of environmental issues. This catalyzed consideration of environmental effects within the fashion industry. In the 1990s, brands like ESPRIT and Patagonia initiated environmental consciousness, pioneering sustainable fashion. Slow fashion also emerged alongside the rise of SPA (Specialty Retailers of Private Label Apparel) and fast fashion in the 1990s to 2000s, gradually shifting consumer perspectives. Post-2010, sustainable fashion that balanced environmental, economic, and social dimensions emerged.
At the August 2019 G7 Summit, leading global fashion and textile companies signed the "Fashion Pact," committing to goals like combating global warming and ocean protection. This event marked a turning point, expanding the reach of sustainable fashion in Japan and capturing media attention.

The hallmark of sustainable fashion lies in its dual consideration of the environment and society. This entails meticulous efforts spanning material selection, manufacturing, distribution, consumption, and disposal. Key elements include sustainable material use, promotion of reuse and recycling, respect for labor rights, and contributions to local communities. Moreover, sustainable fashion is distinguished by its long-term perspective, transcending fleeting trends.
Currently, brands and designers worldwide are prioritizing initiatives centered on environmental and societal aspects. Innovations across all stages of the fashion industry, such as sustainable material development, energy efficiency improvements, and waste reduction, are underway. Additionally, heightened consumer awareness has fueled a broader adoption of eco-conscious consumption behaviors, emphasizing Earth's well-being.

The fashion industry faces substantial challenges, with environmental and societal burdens at the forefront. Yet, reflecting on decades of sustainable fashion history, a heightened environmental consciousness has led to innovative approaches. Sustainable fashion plays a pivotal role in guiding the industry's future toward greater sustainability through our choices and shifting awareness.
・Wikipedia Sustainable fashion https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_fashion
・環境省_サステナブルファッション https://www.env.go.jp/policy/sustainable_fashion/
・独立行政法人国民生活センター 「衣」に訪れた変化の波 https://www.kokusen.go.jp/wko/pdf/wko-202301_01.pdf
・European Commission, official website https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_3635

